Tuesday, 5 February 2019


Sometimes I liked you

Sometimes I wasn’t so sure

But today I finally know what I feel


There is

Immense hatred

flowing out of me

for you.

Like hot lava,

it makes its way out of my body.

Out of my heart

Out of my very being.

It makes me wish it could

consume you

burn you

to a crisp, to a cinder,

To embers that glow no more.

To ash

so that you are nothing.

So that your ugly mouth

can no longer

bare its broken yellow teeth

and that nonsense

that you bleat

the empty threats

that you make

are forever stuck

in your throat

choking you like the bone

from a stolen piece of fish.

Your bulbous nose,

your puffy face,

that has suffered years

of self-inflicted alcohol-abuse

a voice scarred

by decades of imbibing waragi

As you lie and lie

Through the stinky

broken yellow teeth

As you try- but miserably fail

To justify your ugly deeds.

Last time you raised your voice

to cry
To complain that

the ground was not leveled

when you accused your peers

of eating off the golden plate

and not throwing you

enough crumbs

I want to call you a bad word,


And what the Kikuyus spit out


That’s who you are.

I don’t remember what it was like

when I liked you

But one thing I am sure of

is that

I loathe you

with an unrivaled passion.





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