Friday, 9 November 2018


The Forties beckoned,
"Come in, come on in!" they said gaily.
"Get comfortable, feel free to be who you REALLY are!"

The Forties offered me
a comfortable seat and glass of red wine.
I sat quietly by the fireside, waiting to savor what else they had on offer.

The Forties said
They would be hosting a ten-year party.
"We want to show you that forty really IS the new twenty!"

"What’s in the decade-long party?" I ventured timidly,
not knowing what to expect from the promised fanfare.
Calmly, they replied, "You just wait and see."

Forties told me, "You’ll be called Mama by everybody. You will
worry less what they think. You will have more insight
into those things you were previously baffled about.

Forties said, "Take heart, you will not suffer any more baby showers, those dratted showy gatherings are so a thing of the past."
"You can now choose from cocktail parties, grand brunch and oldies get-togethers.
Not to mention a seat at the high table for every family gathering."

Forties come with some greying, failing eyesight,
Hard of hearing, aching knees, things go rapidly south.
Did I also hear that jowls sag and the brow furrows??
And so you will need extra tabs of Vaseline and moisturizer.

"Your time is ticking, you need to stop
experimenting and get really real. No more games 'coz
you ain't 39 anymore.
Your spring chicken days are so over
Welcome to the beginning of the off-layer stage!"

The Forties assure you that when you bald, it is not a crisis.
Y'know, like the mid-life thing that our brothers suffer
The one that makes them realise how unfulfilled their dreams are,
That causes their eye to wander and adds a spring to their step.

Forties bring with them the realization about
who you really are, what you really want.
(Although, hmmmm... In some cases, they carry along a little suitcase of worry).

But do take heart.
It is a celebration of having worked hard to figure out life.
It’s JUST the middle, the transition, the old age of youth.

Oh! Forry! Forry, the New Twenny!"


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