I want the secret of how people reward (I can’t use “steal” ‘coz its kinda rude) themselves with Ethiopian Airlines blankets. Or are they shawls? The blue and green mixed with yellow ones. Those of you who have travelled Ethiopian Airlines know what I’m talking about.
Do they want to keep them as souvenirs, or is it a matter of “Lemme take, they won’t miss it?” Maybe they argue that its included in the airfare. If I asked perhaps, would those pretty ladies who speak Amharic give me one? The thought of taking one without permission crossed me once. The body was willing but the heart and mind said no.
So, how do these travelers take away these blankets? Do they ask for one the minute they board and strap on their seat-belt, even before the plan taxis? Then they gesture to the smiling stewardess and make the shivering body sign? Then ten minutes into the journey they whip off the scarf and stuff into their hand luggage and wait for another stewardess to come sashaying down the aisle and then gesture to her and make the shivering body sign again and get her to bring another blanket packed in a see-through plastic shrink-wrap.
Then after they have done that thrice, and packed away two blankets, they settle down and wait for the hot spicy airline snacks.
Maybe if the blankets had a kind of tag attached to them along with software which beeped when some unlucky passenger trying to make off with the blanket went through the airport’s security system. Maybe then, Ethiopian Airlines wouldn't be making so many blanket losses.
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